Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the History of Anaesthesia
Επιστημονική επιμέλεια:
Askitopoulou Helen
Kathryn E. McGoldrick
Westhorpe Rod N.
Wilkinson David J.
Επιστημονική επιμέλεια: 
Τύπος βιβλίου: Έντυπο, UUID: --NONE--
Τύπος βιβλίου: ebook, UUID: b4982d26-c459-4bbf-919c-a61492132582

Το βιβλίο


The "History of Anaesthesia VII" is the seventh volume of its kind following a series of very successful publications of the International Symposia on the History of Anaesthesia organised for the first time in 1982 in Rotterdam, and since then every four to five years in different parts of the world. These Symposia discuss evidence about past initiatives and foster research about how earlier scientists thought and worked. The present volume contains the Proceedings of the 7th Symposium held in Herakleion, Greece in 2009. It is a collection of essays related to the history of anaesthesia, from individual contributors and not a narrative account of the evolution of anaesthesia as such.

The historical evolution of analgesia and anaesthesia from empiricism and experimentation to its impressive present-day development, from the first desperate attempts of man to relieve the pain of trauma and disease, back to the roots of contemporary anaesthesia –one and half centuries ago– is fascinating. The long journey –from the beginnings of recorded history to the last decades– follows the transition and transformation of the history of medicine, which replaced theocratic dogmas and philosophical speculations with rational scientific thought. This diachronic dimension of history, which highlights the process of how the discipline of anaesthesiology reached its current scientific significance, is also expressed in the Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the History of Anaesthesia.

The essays included in this volume are assembled chronologically in five historical periods, from antiquity to modern times: Greek Antiquity, Early Modern Era, 19th century, 20th century and also in a separate section on the Pioneers of Anaesthesia. The information presented covers an impressive variety of facts and practices, displaying the evolutionary journey of analgesia and anaesthesia from antiquity to the twentieth century.

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Ο τόμος History of Anaesthesia VII είναι ο έβδομος των δημοσιεύσεων που ακολούθησαν τα International Symposia on the History of Anaesthesia, τα οποία ξεκίνησαν το 1982, στο Rotterdam, και έκτοτε συνεχίστηκαν ανα τετραετία σε διαφορετικές χώρες και ηπείρους. Τα Συμπόσια αυτά ενθαρρύνουν και παρουσιάζουν την έρευνα για το πως σκέπτονταν και εργάζονταν οι πρωτοπόροι στα αρχικά, αλλά και τα μετέπειτα, χρόνια της ανάπτυξης της αναλγησίας και αναισθησίας ως ιατρικής πρακτικής και επιστημονικής γνώσης. Καταγράφουν με ξεχωριστό τρόπο το εξελικτικό ταξείδι της αναλγησίας και αναισθησίας από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι τη σύγχρονη εποχή.

Η ιστορία της αναλγησίας και αναισθησίας από τον εμπειρισμό και τον πειραματισμό μέχρι την εντυπωσιακή σύγχρονη επιστημονική καταξίωση τους, από τις πρώτες απεγνωσμένες προσπάθειες του ανθρώπου να ανακουφίσει τον πόνο του τραύματος και της νόσου μέχρι τις ρίζες της σύγχρονης αναισθησίας -πριν ενάμισυ περίπου αιώνα- είναι συναρπαστική. Αυτό το ιστορικό ταξείδι ακολουθεί την εξέλιξη και το μετασχηματισμό της ιατρικής πρακτικής, που αντικατέστησε θεωρητικά δόγματα και φιλοσοφικούς προβληματισμούς με την ορθολογική επιστημονική σκέψη. Η ίδια διαχρονική διάσταση της πρακτικής της αναλγησίας και αναισθησίας εκφράζεται και στον έβδομο τόμο History of Anaesthesia VII.

Ο τόμος History of Anaesthesia VII δεν αποτελεί μια αφηγηματική εξιστόρηση της εξελικτικής πορείας της πρακτικής της αναισθησίας και της ειδικότητας της Αναισθησιολογίας, αλλά συλλογή άρθρων για την ιστορία της αναλγησίας και αναισθησίας από μεμονωμένους ερευνητές, που παρουσιάστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια του 7ου Διεθνούς Συμποσίου για την Ιστορία της Αναισθησίας, που οργανώθηκε από την Κλινική Αναισθησιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης στο Ηράκλειο της Κρήτης τον Οκτώβριο του 2009. Τα άρθρα αυτά, που καλύπτουν μια εντυπωσιακή ποικιλία γεγονότων και πρακτικών, έχουν ταξινομηθεί χρονολογικά σε πέντε ιστορικές περιόδους, από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι τη σύγχρονη εποχή και συνοδεύονται από εισαγωγικό κεφάλαιο και κεφάλαιο για τους πρωτοπόρους της αναισθησίας και λεπτομερή πίνακα περιεχομένων για όρους και ονόματα.

Επιστημονική επιμέλεια
Askitopoulou Helen
Α' έκδοση
Τρέχουσα έκδοση
Τιμή καταλόγου
Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
608 σελ.
24 εκ.
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Η Helen Askitopoulou (Ελένη Ασκητοπούλου) είναι ομότιμη καθηγήτρια Αναισθησιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης. Ασχολείται πλέον με την ιστορία της ιατρικής και την ηθική στην ιατρική.

Η Kathryn E. McGoldrick είναι Αμερικανίδα αναισθησιολόγος και διετέλεσε καθηγήτρια στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Yale. Από το 2001, διδάσκει στην έδρα της Αναισθησιολογίας του New York Medical College.

Ο Rod N. Westhorpe είναι Αυστραλός αναισθησιολόγος που εργαζόταν επί δεκαετίες σε παιδιατρικές υπηρεσίες. Διετέλεσε Πρόεδρος στην επαγγελματική ένωση Australian Society of Anaesthetists και μέλος στο College Council. Ως συγγραφέας, ασχολείται με την ιστορία της αναισθησιολογίας.

Ο David John Wilkinson είναι Άγγλος αναισθησιολόγος που εργάστηκε στη γενέτειρά του και στην Αυστραλία.


British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol 109, no 3
September 2012


EDITOR’S Prologue

Analgesia and Anaesthesia – From Greek Antiquity to the Twentieth Century
Helen Askitopoulou


Losing the Hippocratic Tradition – A Danger to Our Profession?
David J Wilkinson

The Hippocratic Approach to Pain Management
Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Maria Karatzi, Alexandra Papaioannou,  Helen Askitopoulou

Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Ancient Greece and Rome
Louise Cilliers

A Hippocratic Physician’s Office
Georgios Stefanakis , Eleni Konsolaki, Vassilia Nyktari, Helen Askitopoulou

Herbal Pain Medicines in Ancient Egypt and Minoan Crete
Adelais G Tsiotou, Evangelia K. Kalliardou

Different Concepts of  ‘Αnaesthesia’ in Late Greek and Roman Antiquity
Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Vassilia Nyktari, Helen Askitopoulou

References to ‘Anaesthesia’ in Galenic Texts
Georgos Giannitopoulos, Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Alexandra Papaioannou, Helen Askitopoulou

Acute Unexpected Deaths of Prominent Men in Ancient Greece
Georgios Stefanakis, Eleni Konsolaki, Alexandra Papaioannou, Helen Askitopoulou


Hidden ‘Fire Air’, Hidden Letter: Oxygen’s Historic Dilemmas
John W Severinghaus

Sedation with Datura Stramonium in Ancient Peru
Cesar Cortes Roman


The Huxleys & the Rattlesnake: Romance and Australian Anaesthesia in the 1840s
Michael G Cooper, Elizabeth M Todd

Joseph Clover’s Casebook
Christine M Ball

Henry Chambert’s Des Effets Physiologiques et Therapeutiques  des Ethers: The Very Rare, Unknown First French Book on Ethers
Jacques Hotton

The History of Early Respirators (Mid 1800s – 1918): A Systematic Re-Assessment of the Main ‘Technology-Transfer’, which led to the Development of Modern Anaesthesia Technology
M Wulf M Stratling, Christian Niggebrugge, Jan Schumacher

Solving the Mystery of ‘Truehead οf Galveston’: ‘The Doctor who Never Was’ – A Detective Story
Ronald V Trubuhovich

‘Sweet’ Methods of Analgesia: Alternatives to Anaesthesia at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Jacques Hotton


The Draeger Archives: Unveiling one of the Worlds’ Largest Collections on the History of Anaesthesiology
M Wulf M Stratling, Jan Schumacher

The Influence of World War One on the Development of American Anaesthesia
Anthony L Kovac

Anaesthesia Aspects of Base Hospital No 28: From Kansas City and the University of Kansas in World War One
Anthony L Kovac

The History of Regional Anaesthesia in Greece in the Twentieth Century
Anastasios M Petrou, Georgios St Papadopoulos, Freideriki Steliou

Regional versus General Anaesthesia? What Did Greek Doctors choose in the early Twentieth Century?
Aikaterini Bouzia, Eleni Christopoulou-Aletra

Polarography: A Major Contribution of Jaroslav Heyrovsky to Intensive Therapy
JirI Pokorny

The First Successful Intracardiac Pacing of a Human Heart: Mark Cowley Lidwill – Cardiologist and Anaesthetist
Barry Baker

Endotracheal Intubation in Paediatric Anaesthesia.History and Evolution
Panagiotis Alexandropoulos, Adelais G Tsiotou,  Evangelia K Kalliardou

The Australian Society’s Diamond Jubilee
Ross B Holland


Malignant Hyperthermia – An Australian Story
Christine M Ball

Air-Cooling to Induce Hypothermia for Cardiac Surgery – Historical Notes
Jan Hofland, Karin Leendertse-Verloop, Joseph Rupreht

The World of Veterinary Anaesthesiology
Dimitris Raptopoulos

The Origins of the Modern Pain Clinic at the Mayo Clinic
Toby N Weingarten, David P Martin, Douglas R Bacon

History of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation in Prague
JirI Pokorny

Sleep Apnoea – A Historical Approach
Eleana E Vlachaki, Irene E Panagiotaki, Stylianos G Velegrakis, George A Velegrakis

Original Development of Anaesthesia Machines Following World War Two in Czechoslovakia
JirI MAlek,  JirI Pokorny

Interdisciplinary ‘Pain Conferences’ – An Instrument for the Development of Pain Management in the Twentieth Century in Germany
Wilfried Witte

The History of Nsaids – From Aspirin to Contemporary COX Inhibitors
Georgia G Kostopanagiotou, Tatiana F Sidiropoulou

Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History – Dealing with Hazardous Substances in Museum Collections
Maria Drossos


Greek Influence On James Young Simpson
Alistair G McKenzie

British Pioneers of Regional Anaesthesia
J Anthony W Wildsmith

James Moffat’s Tribulations In Paris
Marguerite Zimmer

Friedrich Von Esmarch – A Pioneer of Emergency Medicine in Germany
Heike I Petermann

Benjamin Ward Richardson – His Contribution to Anaesthesia
Henry Connor

Samuel J Hayes, Editor of the ‘Dental and Surgical Microcosm’ – The World’s First Anaesthesia Journal
George S Bause

Sir Frederic William Hewitt – His Multifaceted Contributions to Anaesthesiology
Kathryn E McGoldrick

Carl Koller, Cocaine And Local Anaesthesia – Some Less Known and Forgotten Facts
Michael Goerig, Andre van Zundert

Rupert Walter Hornabrook – Australia’s First Full-Time Anaesthetist
Rod N Westhorpe

Rene Leriche – The Forgoten Pain Surgeon
Marie-Therese J Cousin

Pioneers of Greek Anaesthesiology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Georgios St Papadopoulos, Anastasios M Petrou


Analgesia and Anaesthesia – From Greek Antiquity to the Twentieth Century
Helen Askitopoulou


Losing the Hippocratic Tradition – A Danger to Our Profession?
David J Wilkinson

The Hippocratic Approach to Pain Management
Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Maria Karatzi, Alexandra Papaioannou,  Helen Askitopoulou

Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Ancient Greece and Rome
Louise Cilliers

A Hippocratic Physician’s Office
Georgios Stefanakis , Eleni Konsolaki, Vassilia Nyktari, Helen Askitopoulou

Herbal Pain Medicines in Ancient Egypt and Minoan Crete
Adelais G Tsiotou, Evangelia K. Kalliardou

Different Concepts of  ‘Αnaesthesia’ in Late Greek and Roman Antiquity
Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Vassilia Nyktari, Helen Askitopoulou

References to ‘Anaesthesia’ in Galenic Texts
Georgos Giannitopoulos, Elisabeth Astyrakaki, Alexandra Papaioannou, Helen Askitopoulou

Acute Unexpected Deaths of Prominent Men in Ancient Greece
Georgios Stefanakis, Eleni Konsolaki, Alexandra Papaioannou, Helen Askitopoulou


Hidden ‘Fire Air’, Hidden Letter: Oxygen’s Historic Dilemmas
John W Severinghaus

Sedation with Datura Stramonium in Ancient Peru
Cesar Cortes Roman


The Huxleys & the Rattlesnake: Romance and Australian Anaesthesia in the 1840s
Michael G Cooper, Elizabeth M Todd

Joseph Clover’s Casebook
Christine M Ball

Henry Chambert’s Des Effets Physiologiques et Therapeutiques  des Ethers: The Very Rare, Unknown First French Book on Ethers
Jacques Hotton

The History of Early Respirators (Mid 1800s – 1918): A Systematic Re-Assessment of the Main ‘Technology-Transfer’, which led to the Development of Modern Anaesthesia Technology
M Wulf M Stratling, Christian Niggebrugge, Jan Schumacher

Solving the Mystery of ‘Truehead οf Galveston’: ‘The Doctor who Never Was’ – A Detective Story
Ronald V Trubuhovich

‘Sweet’ Methods of Analgesia: Alternatives to Anaesthesia at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Jacques Hotton


The Draeger Archives: Unveiling one of the Worlds’ Largest Collections on the History of Anaesthesiology
M Wulf M Stratling, Jan Schumacher

The Influence of World War One on the Development of American Anaesthesia
Anthony L Kovac

Anaesthesia Aspects of Base Hospital No 28: From Kansas City and the University of Kansas in World War One
Anthony L Kovac

The History of Regional Anaesthesia in Greece in the Twentieth Century
Anastasios M Petrou, Georgios St Papadopoulos, Freideriki Steliou

Regional versus General Anaesthesia? What Did Greek Doctors choose in the early Twentieth Century?
Aikaterini Bouzia, Eleni Christopoulou-Aletra

Polarography: A Major Contribution of Jaroslav Heyrovsky to Intensive Therapy
JirI Pokorny

The First Successful Intracardiac Pacing of a Human Heart: Mark Cowley Lidwill – Cardiologist and Anaesthetist
Barry Baker

Endotracheal Intubation in Paediatric Anaesthesia.History and Evolution
Panagiotis Alexandropoulos, Adelais G Tsiotou,  Evangelia K Kalliardou

The Australian Society’s Diamond Jubilee
Ross B Holland


Malignant Hyperthermia – An Australian Story
Christine M Ball

Air-Cooling to Induce Hypothermia for Cardiac Surgery – Historical Notes
Jan Hofland, Karin Leendertse-Verloop, Joseph Rupreht

The World of Veterinary Anaesthesiology
Dimitris Raptopoulos

The Origins of the Modern Pain Clinic at the Mayo Clinic
Toby N Weingarten, David P Martin, Douglas R Bacon

History of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation in Prague
JirI Pokorny

Sleep Apnoea – A Historical Approach
Eleana E Vlachaki, Irene E Panagiotaki, Stylianos G Velegrakis, George A Velegrakis

Original Development of Anaesthesia Machines Following World War Two in Czechoslovakia
JirI MAlek,  JirI Pokorny

Interdisciplinary ‘Pain Conferences’ – An Instrument for the Development of Pain Management in the Twentieth Century in Germany
Wilfried Witte

The History of Nsaids – From Aspirin to Contemporary COX Inhibitors
Georgia G Kostopanagiotou, Tatiana F Sidiropoulou

Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History – Dealing with Hazardous Substances in Museum Collections
Maria Drossos


Greek Influence On James Young Simpson
Alistair G McKenzie

British Pioneers of Regional Anaesthesia
J Anthony W Wildsmith

James Moffat’s Tribulations In Paris
Marguerite Zimmer

Friedrich Von Esmarch – A Pioneer of Emergency Medicine in Germany
Heike I Petermann

Benjamin Ward Richardson – His Contribution to Anaesthesia
Henry Connor

Samuel J Hayes, Editor of the ‘Dental and Surgical Microcosm’ – The World’s First Anaesthesia Journal
George S Bause

Sir Frederic William Hewitt – His Multifaceted Contributions to Anaesthesiology
Kathryn E McGoldrick

Carl Koller, Cocaine And Local Anaesthesia – Some Less Known and Forgotten Facts
Michael Goerig, Andre van Zundert

Rupert Walter Hornabrook – Australia’s First Full-Time Anaesthetist
Rod N Westhorpe

Rene Leriche – The Forgoten Pain Surgeon
Marie-Therese J Cousin

Pioneers of Greek Anaesthesiology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Georgios St Papadopoulos, Anastasios M Petrou


Σχετικά βιβλία


